Just when i think it's safe, i find this thing. I was sitting in one of the storage rooms in the basement pondering my plan of attack against the junk, when there amidst the caulk, paint and strange bottles of nails, i saw this in all its marvelous wonder. While it seems to fit seamlessly in with all the other junk piled around it, i still have no idea what the heck it is, or what the heck it is used for. And yet i love it just the same. I believe that my parents inherited it along with the house, but the question of why they kept it will forever haunt me. Perhaps it has some way cool workmanly like function, or perhaps i have foiled the basement-bugs nefarious plot against me in confiscating their evil genius bug-o-matic-death-ray.
It's a plumber's drain snake. A handy money saver and not hard to learn to use. Just thread it down the offending drain, spinning the crank clockwise and feeding it in slowly. Once you feel it loosen just back it out, wiping the snake down with a rag soaked in WD40 as you bring it into the canister. Hope that helps. Blessings, BC
really? thats awesome and not at all as frightening as i thought it might be! sounds a little dirty though, but thats not always a bad thing :)
Im so upset that bobo got it before I did, because I totally knew what it was when I saw it. What I find strange is that you have hundreds of plungers over there and yet you have a sanke in your basement and dont even know what its for. Im sure your dad is happy about that, maybe it will make up for the mysterious disapearence of his corn flake box.
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