as much as i actually kind of enjoy cleaning in the depths of my basement and finding the strange things we have felt it necessary to pile and save, i needed a day off. so i must confess that i didn't clean in my basement yesterday. i kept myself busy cooking like a crazy cooking fiend. i don't know if fiends really like to cook all that much, but perhaps there is a crazy obsessive compulsive fiend off somewhere cooking up a storm of pies, i don't know. anyway, my mom is on some sort of wacky diet for 2 weeks in which she can have no iodine, which means no prepared products with sodium in them, no seafood and no dairy products. So i have taken on the task of preparing some meals for her from scratch, using iodine free salt, and no dairy. it definitely is eye opening to have to read the labels and see what it is exactly that we are consuming on a regular basis, and just how prevalent sodium is in just about everything. I even had to make my own ketchup to put on the meat loaf i made. who knew ketchup took almost an entire day to cook? And who knew there was sodium in a bag of coconut that i wanted to use for my coconut kisses? seriously. so i decided to try my hand at whacking open a real coconut or 2 myself. The glass in the picture contains the coconut milk, which was interesting in its own right, i still cant decide if i liked the taste of it or not. at first i really liked it, but then i tasted it today and was a little grossed out by the fact that i liked it last night. so, i had a day of great adventure cooking and brewing. and while i was a-cooking and a-brewing i happened to look out my window and see my neighbor Walt. I love my neighbors, on both sides of our house there are cute little German couples who are very sweet and very tolerant of us and our curious ways. they put up with my moms lawnmower which shoots grass 6 feet in the air while it mows, and my car alarm going off when it rains a little too hard, and apparently when people set off fire-works. they may cuss at us in German in their houses, but they are very nice when outside. so i was cooking along, and looked out the window to see our nice neighbor grilling with his little grilling goggles on, i thought it was so cute i had to take a picture of him. also note his bling-bling going crazy in the sun, he is big pimp'n! that was my great excitement for the day, whoo-hoo Walt!
well, i think i'll head off to the basement while the baby is still sleeping, to see what other wonders i can unearth and share, and get back to my regular routine, alas.
Walt is the man! Wow - Does he wear those goggles every time? That would never cease to amuse me!
Hey, followed Crescent Caitlin over here. Funny blog! Please use the occasional paragraph break to make it easier to read. Thanks!!
hey heather t, paragraph breaks you say, hmmmmm, new fangled, i'll give 'em a shot by jove!
hey caitlin, i have never seen the goggle wearing griller before, but you totally know i'll be watching and waiting for another sighting!
Walt is sexy! YOu know you should convince your dad to wear goggles, that would be great! Tell him I'll make him some cookies if he wears them.
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