Thursday, June 26, 2008

rock on!

Your DJ Name Is:
DJ Midnight Nerd

happily i am done with my first set of accelerated summer classes. now for a relaxing 6 days off and then back to the grind. maybe i should have the professors call me DJ Midnight Nerd just to make things interesting..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

smack down

ok, so i am currently supposed to be writing a paper about the yanomamo ( that is due tomorrow. crap attack! instead i have taken a nap, eaten some most delicious cherry fudge ice cream, and watched paula deen whip up some tasty down home cooking. My paper is supposed to make connections to the wild west and buffalo bill, i haven't quite figured out the connection, though i guess it would help if i had read the course material. whoops! guess i should maybe get to it, um, after i cook lunch, re-grout the bathroom tiles, and construct a statue which moderately resembles the virgin mary out of nothing but a cardboard box and dryer lint. then, perhaps i will be sufficiently motivated to finish my sweet sweet paper of love and indigenous nudity, ohhh yeah.

Friday, June 13, 2008

soul eating 101

with 2 accelerated summer classes currently eating my soul, i believe i shall never again see the dank dungeon that once was my love, my life, my basement. alas. what is a moderately obsessive compulsive girl such as myself to do? apparently the answer to this tremendously important query is to have reoccurring dreams of cleaning the basement. wild and crazy fun. its what i do.