So, i am once again neglecting my basement. i just saw my mother hefting a heaping load of junk down the basement stairs the other day, um, eeek! by the time i get back down there it will look like i have never started to clean it in the first place. whats a girl to do? besides cartwheels and headstands, i mean. 
instead of cleaning, i have been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out the many fine aspects of American Sign Language. i want to become an interpreter, however at times i doubt my abilities. i love the language, but it is currently making me want to gouge my eyes out with a shrimp fork. While i was searching for more ASL related stuff to torment myself with, i came across these pictures, so i thought i would share my madness. if you would like to share even more of my madness, or at least get an idea of whats driving me to drink (water, and lots of it by jove!) check out www.deafvideo.tv/ maybe its just me, but it makes me want to pee my pants. no. its probably just me. but its still way cool.

instead of cleaning, i have been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out the many fine aspects of American Sign Language. i want to become an interpreter, however at times i doubt my abilities. i love the language, but it is currently making me want to gouge my eyes out with a shrimp fork. While i was searching for more ASL related stuff to torment myself with, i came across these pictures, so i thought i would share my madness. if you would like to share even more of my madness, or at least get an idea of whats driving me to drink (water, and lots of it by jove!) check out www.deafvideo.tv/ maybe its just me, but it makes me want to pee my pants. no. its probably just me. but its still way cool.
I wasnt aware of how hairy your arm is. I was watching tv tonight and well its a long story any ways the 2 guys wanted to learn sign so that they could talk at the movies, but then it would be dark and they couldnt see the sign to then they decided they would get glow in the dark gloves, but then the gloves would get butter from the popcorn on them so they decided to cut the finger tips off of the gloves. I thought that was funny. You should make something like that and sell it. That would be awesome.
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