Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What better to get you in a festive holiday mood than a blow up cacti? after having a fabulous fiesta birthday for a friend several months ago (at which blow up cacti are mandatory, i am sure you are aware), this thing somehow managed to sneak into our basement, and take up residence next to my cabbage patch kid collection of yore. after you stop feeling that sad mixture of pity and contempt toward me (and perhaps jealousy?) because i openly admitted to having a hoard of cabbage patch kids living in my basement, you will realize just how strange this wandering cacti is. it must be that special genus of migrating plastic cacti you always read about but never see, because no one in the household knows how it got downstairs. spoooky!next thing you know i will wake up at 4 in the morning and it will be standing over my bed holding a cabbage patch kids head in its arms.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Infestation! well, not really, my mom brought the pigs home from her school for the holiday weekend, and they have been cursed once again with basement dwelling. the white one is named sugarplum, and she is a mouthy little pig. the brown ones name is fudge ripple, shes very quiet and shy, and never purrs, thus making her my favorite, because shes not your typical pig. i am allergic to guinea pigs, i get mad hives all over if i even think about touching their cute little fuzzy fluffy (delicious, according to that dude on that 'bizarre foods' show) bodies. but its fun to have them down there with me, keeping me company with their cute little piggy twitterings and noises. and its also quite convenient, you know, if i get hungry or anything...
Sunday, November 18, 2007
what was i thinking?
i secretly wish it would spontaneously combust already and leave me in peace.
Friday, November 16, 2007
i've got nothing
Really. i guess little cross dressing gender confused moose bears enjoy frolicking in deep dank habitats such as my basement. how else do you explain its existence? i've got nothing. and seriously, pink and orange? that's so last season.
in other news, essentially all i have accomplished in the past week of cleaning has been the rearrangement of crap. rewarding; the only word to describe it. i mean, other than superific.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
winter wonderland
i found me teef!
Most people may not be super excited to find teeth in their moderately creepy basements, and under normal circumstances i would join their ranks, because, eww! but really, i love my wisdom teeth, so much that even though i found them a bit ago, i must share. now, if i were to find more teeth down in the subterranean depths of my house, i might have to do the freak out dance, but here's to a relatively tooth free basement. yay!
When i was little i couldn't wait to get my wisdom teeth, because i really thought they would bring the wisdom of adulthood with them, and poof! i would become a wise adult. ahh, the disillusioned days of childhood, when i actually thought adulthood=wisdom. i remember being crushed when i learned that i would eventually have to have them pulled. so, as i grew, i formulated a plan (muuha ha ah!) to have the oral surgeon save them for me. when i asked him to save them for me, he looked at me like i had asked him to slap me and call me sally, but eventually agreed to let me have them. and so here they are, encased in a lovely sample size jelly jar, the traditional tooth holder in our family.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
excuses, how i love you

So, i am once again neglecting my basement. i just saw my mother hefting a heaping load of junk down the basement stairs the other day, um, eeek! by the time i get back down there it will look like i have never started to clean it in the first place. whats a girl to do? besides cartwheels and headstands, i mean. 
instead of cleaning, i have been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out the many fine aspects of American Sign Language. i want to become an interpreter, however at times i doubt my abilities. i love the language, but it is currently making me want to gouge my eyes out with a shrimp fork. While i was searching for more ASL related stuff to torment myself with, i came across these pictures, so i thought i would share my madness. if you would like to share even more of my madness, or at least get an idea of whats driving me to drink (water, and lots of it by jove!) check out www.deafvideo.tv/ maybe its just me, but it makes me want to pee my pants. no. its probably just me. but its still way cool.

instead of cleaning, i have been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out the many fine aspects of American Sign Language. i want to become an interpreter, however at times i doubt my abilities. i love the language, but it is currently making me want to gouge my eyes out with a shrimp fork. While i was searching for more ASL related stuff to torment myself with, i came across these pictures, so i thought i would share my madness. if you would like to share even more of my madness, or at least get an idea of whats driving me to drink (water, and lots of it by jove!) check out www.deafvideo.tv/ maybe its just me, but it makes me want to pee my pants. no. its probably just me. but its still way cool.
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