I love peep. is that wrong? i look forward to watching peep with the boys as one looks forward to a talking-bird filled refuge from a world seemingly under the tyrannical rule of two year olds who are out for blood, vengeance, and snacks. it used to just be a show that the boys would actually sit down and put the hair pulling and junk-on-the-floor-eating on hold for, but now i think i get even more excited about watching it than they do. what have i become? (answer: a Quack loving weirdo.) Quack is the blue one, for those of you who have yet to experience the joy that is peep. that kind of makes it sound like i am about to start a cult, which by the way, would be the most awesome cult ever. the cult of Quack. anyway.. i love peep.

In other news, things are actually getting cleaned! the basement is looking much better these days. granted this better i speak of still = crappy, but its better than before, and i once again have a clear vision of what i need to do, and it doesn't even involve garden gnomes, pudding, or burning the house down. amazing! i would go take a picture of these fabled improvements, but due to the subzero temperatures often reached in the basement-of-eternal-despair, the pictures will have to wait. because currently i am freezing and also a wuss. i have also unearthed many great tid bits of love to share soon, so in my next post i might actually have something to say! or, not, as usual, but be excited!! (!) quack.
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