While i was supposed to be reading
The Masterpiece by Emile Zola,
http://blogs.princeton.edu/wri152-3/f05/jcfields/cezanne_and_zolas_the_masterpiece.htmli was actually watching this movie instead.
http://www.badmovies.org/othermovies/nakedlunch/ watching this movie and then seeing bugs had me weirded out tremendously. well, just watching this movie had me weirded out tremendously, but catching sight of nasty unknown bugs while watching it weirded me out, and also made me pee a little.

I've been trying to figure out what this little tasty is, but i am not having any luck identifying it. needless to say, i now think that my basement is the breeding ground for a new species of evil-blood-sucking-bug-of-death. whatever it is, its given me a serious case of the creeping icks, and i want them to die horrible deaths. i thought it kind of looked tick-ish, but as you can see, its kind of huge, so my professional opinion is that i have some sort of mutant bug populating my basement, the thought of which make me want to scrub my skin off and burn my house down.

so, they are either here to build their forces up until they can attack and kill us, enabling them to commandeer the microwave so they can make microwave popcorn, or, they had a mad hankering to play cootie. either way, i'm officially creeped out.
1 comment:
Ok I guess I missed the part of your story where you captured the bug and had time to take pics of it! These pictures give me the willies. I hope you stepped on it.
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