Sometimes digging in your basement can have dire consequences. like finding that for some unknown reason you have saved a box full of New Kids on the Block cards. oh.

In a pathetic fit of peer pressure, my 6
th grade self succumbed to the gnarly teen bop of
NKOTB. and for some even more pathetic reason, my 29 year old self has unearthed, and not yet thrown away, a hoard of new kids collectors cards. i feel that an e-gads is in order, as well as a swift kick to my cerebellum, and a tall glass of cheap cooking wine. For in my slightly more mature days, those are the only things that keep my from choking on my tongue when i remember my
NKOTB days.

So, i find myself feeling somewhat conflicted. while my first reaction to finding the cards is to draw mustaches on them and then douse them in lighter fluid, i have somehow resisted thus far. i think it is perhaps in memory of my 6
th grade self, and how much she kind-a-sort-a like the new kids. after all, they are a symbolic remnant of my sad and peer pressured awkward adolescence. though i have resisted long enough, the time has come! tonight the moustaches begin. . .
I too have all of my New Kids on the Block trading cards at my dads house and I would never in a 1,000,000 years think of throwing them out. I also have the VHS tapes that they made, and still remember all of the dances that took hours to learn. How could you ever think of throwing something like that away. Ok maybe it was peer pressure for you but for me I just loved them. Hell, my sleeping bags name is Jon. Its ok to be proud that you were once a New Kids fann. You know they are having a reunion concert, I was super excited to hear that!!!! I still have their tapes too but back when I was dating Tom I made him download my favorite songs so that I could rock out to the Kids in the car. And what was really funny was that when I was on his computer like a month later he hadnt erases the songs yet, which could only mean that he too was a huge New Kids fan under cover. Before you throw them out we should get together and make sure that my collection is complete so that when I up and die and my kids have to go through my things they cant throw out the whole collection after they have pissed their pants laughing at me.
ah ha! you told me just in time, my collection was hours away from its end! we can trade cards as long as you promise to show me some of your fancy foot work...
next tie i make it over to my dads im totally going to go through then and see what ones i still need. I know they are numbered and I think I still have my check off list of ones that I still need and then youd ont ahve to keep them all just the ones that I need to complete my collection. And of course I will teach you all of my hot moves!!!!!!
now I'm going to have to clean out my basement if nothing else than for the blog fodder and reminiscing.
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