Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Hot stuff!

After far too long i have once again journeyed to the basement in search of organization. While i found nothing close to organization, i did manage to find a somewhat mangled looking copy of the 'Pictorial History of Philosophy'. All considering, i was way too excited about my find, there may have even been an awesome happy dance involved, but i can neither confirm nor deny this.
I have yet to read it, though it is next on my list, but just flipping through it looks really interesting, if you happen to be a dork like me i suppose. And dude, too bad Sartre is dead, because he totally looks like he would want to date me.


sweet_ass_holly said...

He does look like "Carlos" (name changed to protect the idiot) doesnt he!

jennifer said...

now that you mention it... but at least 'carlos' doesnt have the eyes that can look in both directions at once, i tend to attract the googly-eyed men in droves!

Khadijha Caitlin said...

Hahahahahaha You guys are funny!